Late Breaking Abstracts

Late breaking abstracts submission open: 1st August 2023

Late breaking abstracts deadline: 31st August 2023 (Midnight BST)

This aspect of the congress is specifically designed to present the most relevant, exciting, unpublished and recent news regarding every aspect of neuromuscular disorders. Please note this is not the place for ‘late submitted abstracts’ though. Six of the successfully selected abstracts will be presented as short 10-minute in-person oral presentations plus 5 minutes Q&A on the last day of the Congress (Saturday 7th October 2023) and others may be displayed as an in-person traditional printed poster at the venue and an ePoster in a designated area of the virtual platform.

Submit abstract via link in email to registered delegates - this email was sent/ received after 1st August 2023

Submission Guidelines

If you have any question regarding the submission of late breaking abstracts please contact Patrizia Male 

Early career and first time prize nominations

Poster presenters who are eligible for the early career presenter and/or first time presenter (first time presenter anywhere including WMS) awards will have a label on the Poster/E-Poster accordingly. Applicants should be in training and not yet in a definite established position. The maximum age for applicants is 40 years old, indicated during abstract submission.

Encore/previously presented abstracts

WMS does not have a strict policy around encore/previously presented abstracts. In general presentations will be judged according to novelty and interest for the members of the society.

The Journal does not transfer copyright for standalone Abstracts (not a part of the article). They have a non-exclusive license to publish those Abstracts. So, the Author may present/submit their abstract at other conferences.


The full programme with accepted abstract titles will be available on the congress website in June. The late breaking abstracts will be added to the programme in September.

E-Posters will be available to view on the virtual platform and congress app from the congress opening on 3rd October 2023.

A digital abstract journal will be available to all congress registered delegates from the beginning of the congress. A link will be sent by email. The abstracts will also be available for WMS members and subscribers to the journal, via the journal, after the congress.

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