On-site and off-site accommodations arranged through Asilomar are now completely full. If you wish to book on your own, below are the nearby properties.

Located on Asilomar Avenue within walking distance: Andril's Fireplace and Cottages (831) 375-0994 Rosedale Inn (831) 655-1000
Located on Asilomar Avenue within driving distance: Bide-A-Wee Inn (831) 372-2330 Sunset Inn (831) 375-3936
Located on Lighthouse Avenue within driving distance: Lighthouse Suites (831) 655-2111


Airport Transportation:

There are three possible airports: San Francisco International, San Jose International and the Monterey airport. San Francisco is the farthest and Monterey the closest. If you are traveling from the airport, allow 2 to 3 hours from the San Francisco airport (longer if in commute traffic) and 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours from the San Jose airport.

The Monterey Airbus serves both the San Francisco and San Jose airports and will drop-off directly at the front door of Asilomar. For information and schedules go to their website at www.montereyairbus.com (1-831-373-7777). A reservation with the shuttle service is required in order to guarantee space. We are working with the Monterey Airbus company to schedule buses specifically for WMS participants from the San Francisco and San Jose airports. Information including date, time and cost for the special buses will be provided as information becomes available.

To travel from the Monterey Airport you can take a taxi for approximately $30. Yellow Cab: 831 646 1234.

Directions to Asilomary by car:

Asilomar is located on the Pacific ocean at the end of Highway 68 in Pacific Grove. To visit the Website: www.visitasilomar.com

From the San Francisco/San Jose area:
Take Highway 101 south to 156 West. Take 156 West to Highway 1 South, through Monterey to the Pebble Beach/Pacific Grove exit, turn right on Holman Highway/68 West. Stay on Highway 68 West/Holman Highway for 3.5 miles until it becomes a city street called Forest Ave. Continue on Forest Ave. for about 1 mile and make a left turn onto Sinex Ave. In just under 1 mile, Sinex Ave ends right at the front gates to Asilomar.

From Los Angeles:
Take 101 North through Salinas to 156 West. Take 156 West to Highway 1 South, through Monterey to the Pebble Beach/Pacific Grove exit and Highway 68 West. For about 3-1/2 miles you will then be on a portion of Hwy 68 West that is also called the Holman Hwy. Stay on Hwy 68 West/Holman Hwy until it becomes a city street called Forest Ave. Continue on Forest Ave. for about 1 mile and make a left turn onto Sinex Ave. In just under 1 mile, Sinex Ave. ends right at the front gates to Asilomar.

Click here for a detailed map.