Satellite Course

Following the success of the previous Teaching Courses by the WMS, the 11th WMS Satellite Teaching Course will take place prior to the 18th WMS International Congress.

The Pre-Congress course will be held from Monday 30 September through Tuesday 1 October 2013 at the Asilomar Conference Grounds.

Traditionally, the diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases has been considered difficult, but in the majority of cases, clinical examination and routine laboratory evaluations are sufficient to point towards a neuromuscular disease. A specific diagnosis of a neuromuscular disease, however, may be difficult to reach. The development of new techniques of investigation of muscle and nerve biopsy material, genetic testing, muscle imaging, and metabolic studies have allowed a faster and more precise diagnosis of a specific neuromuscular disease. It is important, as in all areas of medicine, to reach a correct diagnosis as soon as possible, treat the patient whenever possible, and give prognostic and genetic counseling.

This course provides a context to develop these skills. A group of professionals with different competences and extensive experience in the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular diseases will run the Teaching Course, with lectures and video clinical examinations of neuromuscular patients. The emphasis of this course will be on the clinical approach of patients who present with symptoms of weakness and the interpretation of the muscle biopsy. The course will be entirely practical and case reports will be presented to highlight key clinical concepts. There will be the opportunity to discuss the diagnostic approach to patients shown on video, and to look at muscle biopsies. Generous time will be allowed for questions from the audience, and for discussion of difficult topics. Participants will be encouraged to bring difficult, unusual or unsolved cases for discussion.


  • Coffee breaks and lunch 30 September and 1 October
  • Dinner Monday 30 September
  • Course Materials